Wednesday, September 30, 2009

And the show must go on

So I made a call to Em's pediatrician the other day because my supply just seemed to tank.
The physician's assistant asked me if I was drinking 96 oz of water a day. Wuh!? Squeeze me? 96 oz are you KIDDING me!?
I'm a mom, not a goldfish, was my 1st thought, and my mouth literally dropped and I swore it hit the tile on my countertop! My reply was "Well, I have a water bottle that I fill and sip from..." in short, no, I am not drinking 96 oz!

I was told to drink 96 oz in 24 hrs and then I will see a boost. She told me I was under hydrated and not eating enough (she came to that conclusion when I told her that I ate a granola bar the other day for my breakfast/lunch!) I thought she was gonna reach out the phone and strangle me. LOL She said " A granola bar is a snack, not a meal" lol

So anyhow I did manage to drink over 64 oz, and I am sipping the remainder of the 96 oz right now, and yes, she is right, I did see a jump in my supply.
This is without taking fenugreek or any other supplements. I also did make some lactation cookies (link is on the side bar :) ) but those are just to snack on, I dont think they do much for my supply.

Since upping my water, Emmaleigh has cried WAYYY less, she's also been pooping more and sleeping more. She is happy to have a full tum tum again!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My 1st blog contest!!

Ok, so I've decided that since this blog will eventually be linked to my 'official breastfeeding counselor' website once I get certified, that I'd really like to get some traffic in here.

I am holding my 1st blog contest! From now- Sept 24th thru October 17th, when you follow my blog, you will be entered into a lotto to win a Milkies Milksaver!

If you don't know what a milk saver is, check out to see the demo.

I really like this thing! It s Ieemed a little weird at first, and I was skeptical on how it would work for me, but it does work.

The first time I used it, I got little over 1 oz out of my right side, and that was all just from the letdown! I then dump that collected milk into a Medela bottle and put it in the fridge. All the milk that I get throughout the day goes into bottles and then into a bag and put in the freezer.

I've collected about 12 oz just from my letdown, and I have that in the freezer. I just think pumping is too tedious, so this is nice. You just put it in your bra and forget that its there.

Wow its time for an update!

Well, nursing is still going good. She had a 6 week check up last Friday and was 11 lbs even. It seems that the 6 week milestone is also bringing changes for both of us. She has her days where she nurses more often, which is oh so tiring, but I know its to make her grow, so I sit and deal with it. The changes in me are somewhat typical I guess. Breasts feel fuller when she goes w/out nursing for awhile and when she's doing her ravenous feeding binge, its like I almost have no milk left in me. ALL NORMAL!! :)

I've discovered that I have a fast letdown. I don't know if I would call it an oversupply, but I am definately causing her to spit up after burping. Yesterday I had her over my shoulder and when she burped, it hit the back of the couch! *gross* So I have discovered that the best way to nurse her and combat some of that spit up is to have her in the football hold, and have her facing my breast in a semi-sit up position. It seems as if when she nurses sitting up, we have less spit up when burping.

She's not a very good burper, so hopefully within the next few weeks it will get better!

Also with the change of the 6 week milestone comes the "no longer pooping everyday" phase.
Emmaleigh hasn't pooped since Monday I think, and she went out with a bang. She was wearing a cloth diaper, which is evidentally too big in the leg area, and ewww it went all out the leg. All over my shirt and pants!

I am trying to eat and drink things that will bring poop on because I really don't want to see what the diaper is going to look like when she finally goes!