Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wow its time for an update!

Well, nursing is still going good. She had a 6 week check up last Friday and was 11 lbs even. It seems that the 6 week milestone is also bringing changes for both of us. She has her days where she nurses more often, which is oh so tiring, but I know its to make her grow, so I sit and deal with it. The changes in me are somewhat typical I guess. Breasts feel fuller when she goes w/out nursing for awhile and when she's doing her ravenous feeding binge, its like I almost have no milk left in me. ALL NORMAL!! :)

I've discovered that I have a fast letdown. I don't know if I would call it an oversupply, but I am definately causing her to spit up after burping. Yesterday I had her over my shoulder and when she burped, it hit the back of the couch! *gross* So I have discovered that the best way to nurse her and combat some of that spit up is to have her in the football hold, and have her facing my breast in a semi-sit up position. It seems as if when she nurses sitting up, we have less spit up when burping.

She's not a very good burper, so hopefully within the next few weeks it will get better!

Also with the change of the 6 week milestone comes the "no longer pooping everyday" phase.
Emmaleigh hasn't pooped since Monday I think, and she went out with a bang. She was wearing a cloth diaper, which is evidentally too big in the leg area, and ewww it went all out the leg. All over my shirt and pants!

I am trying to eat and drink things that will bring poop on because I really don't want to see what the diaper is going to look like when she finally goes!

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