Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wow its been awhile!

So I have totally neglected this blog! The shame!!

The last post I made, my daughter Emmaleigh was 4 months old. She is now approaching 1 year old and is still nursing! I am coming to the point right now where I would like to be done. I would like to get my period back so that we can TTC what will more than likely be our last baby.

It's been a rough road the past 7 months. I've been on and off Domperidone trying to up my supply. I managed to pump while I went to work and left the baby with my husband. I only worked on Saturdays from Jan. thru April, and it was about 8 hours that I was gone. She was so hooked on the boob that she refused a bottle until probably my last 2 days of work. Up until then my husband had to feed her with a medicine dropper!!
I've drinken so much water lately to keep my supply going,I am surprised that I haven't floated away! lol

Although I've thought about giving up many times, I am glad that I kept going. I know its best for Emmaleigh, and she's proven to me just how much she loves it. I also thought that it would be easy for me to wean her, but its just not that easy. Now that she takes a bottle, I should just stick with it, but I always give in. She needs me. The least I can do is pick her up and fill her needs!

1 comment:

  1. hey! just wanted to let ya know I'm still nursing my 15 month old 3ish times a day and once or twice at night, I got one cycle about 8 weeks ago and am now 6.5 weeks pregnant with #2! so, it can happen and you don't have to wean to get pregnant! ;) (and this is after it taking 9+ months of ttc and clomid to get our first!)
