Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sometimes you just need a break!

Ok, so I am SOOO gung ho with breastfeeding, but my Lord, I swear this child is going to kill me. I think because she is hitting her 2 week growth spurt, she just feels compelled to eat all the time. My nipples are killing me and I've noticed a jump in my supply. Thing is, she still sleeps ALL the time during the day.

We had a follow up visit with the pediatrician last Thursday and I was praying that she was back to birth weight since she was nearly 2 weeks old. Well, on 8/20 she was 7 lbs 12 oz and last week she was 8 lbs 6 oz! It was 4 oz shy of her birth weight, but the pediatrician said that she made awesome progress gaining that week, and that I do not need to supplement with formula. That made me happy!

I weighed her yesterday with a clean diaper on and a pair of pj's and she weiged 9 lbs 4 oz, so taking off 1/2 oz for the diaper and maybe 2 oz for the jammies, she must be at least 9 lbs 1.5 oz or so. That is great gaining for 6 days since her last weigh in!

It's awesome seeing her little thighs fill out. She still has chicken legs and is still in newborn Pampers, but you can see little creases forming in her thighs :)

Sometimes you need a break. I gave her 1 oz of pumped milk last night. I managed to pump 1 oz in the course of 2 days last weekend. I'd try to pump more but she sucks me dry right now. Pumping will have to wait I guess! She drank the 1 oz and then still latched on to my left side for about 8 minutes. When she was done, she was awake, so we did tummy time on the floor and then I turned her over and she was just so content looking around. It kind of made me wonder if I should just try to pump 1 oz daily and give it to her as a special "treat" lol It was just so great seeing her lay there, looking around wide eyed at all of us. She's such a blessing. It's what keeps me going with breastfeeding- knowing that she loves it, and that we both enjoy the closeness. There is just something special about knowing that she needs me, and only me, at that moment.

I sometimes have to wonder though, if my husband is jealous though, of all the baby & me time. I mean, I make sure to allow him time to bond by changing poopie diapers, etc... (LOL)

I guess the moral to my rambling is, although I feel I need a break because this is so overwhelming to me (its been 5+ yrs since I've last breastfed), when I look at my precious bundle in front of me, I know that I have to suck it up and move on til the next feeding. If she eats every 2 hours, then that is my break. I get 2 hours to have to myself, to enjoy a cup of coffee, or to shower. My baby needs me. She needs the mommy and Emmaleigh time that we are having. It's what helps her thrive and grow.

If you are feeling overwhelmed and feel that you just want to quit, take a deep breath. Go grab a cuppa somethin. Have a cry if you need to, because God knows I've cried several times during her crying fits at 2 am when she just wanted to stay permanently attached, yet I needed sleep!
It will all blow over soon. Know that it WILL get better. This, I promise you!


  1. Hello! I know you don't know me, but I ran into your blog... somewhere or other! maybe on a cloth diapering forum? I forget. anyhow, just wanted to suggest nursing lying down for night time!! :) It has helped us SO much. I am pretty sure there were some nights when my daughter didn't move from the boob :). it's a little awkward at first, but once you get comfy it's soooo much nicer :) Also, for the pumping, try pumping one side in the morning, while you're feeding her on the other. Because she's eating it will illicit let down in the other breast. plus, your prolactin levels are highest in the morning. I was able to get about 80oz in a month to store in my freezer this way! :) good luck, I will keep reading :) :)

  2. I just noticed your comment!! Thanks! Its much better now, although we are now in a 6 week growth spurt. Sorta used to it now. lol
